72 THE POLAND OF PILSUDSKI Pilsudski. They did not resist, but Pilsudski, in view of his inferior strength and the possibility of trouble, commenced negotiations with these Councils which led to an agreement on November 16 for the peaceful evacuation of the German troops on condition that they laid down their arms before crossing the frontier. By November 19 they were all evacuated. POLAND PARTLY LIBERATED A very considerable part of the new State was thus actually liberated. But there were other and stronger German armies on the inarch home from White Russia on the north, and the Ukraine in Russia on the south, and might cause great disturbances in Poland and even threaten her very existence, not only by fighting but also by preparing the way for Bolshevism. Fighting took place between the Poles and the Germans in the Kresy, but it did not spread, and the bulk of the German troops eventually took directions back to Germany that did not trespass on the new State. Poland broke off relations with Germany on December 15, thus showing her solidarity with the Allies; she broke with Soviet Russia two days earlier. LWOW TAKEN Pilsudski took prompt steps for the relief of Lwow. When the Ukrainians seized the city they failed to dislodge a small Polish force from one part of it, and presently these Poles were joined by a number of their compatriots, including women, from other parts. A fierce struggle went on in the streets for nearly three weeks, the Poles succeeding in recovering some ground, but as they were entirely isolated their plight was desperate. The first move for their relief came from Cracow; Przemysl, which the Ukrainians had occupied with Austrian support, was retaken, and a base provided for further operations. On November 13 an order was received from Pilsudski by Roja at Cracow to attack the Ukrainians at Lwow; at the same time detachments were sent from Warsaw and Lublin. The combined expedition left Przemysl on November 19, surprised the Ukrainians by a rapid march along the railway, and got into touch with the Poles defending the city on the following